Digital Marketing Consultations

Learn how to enhance online visibility, attract and retain customers, and ultimately drive business growth and success.
*Goole ADS - former Google Adwords, also known as pay-per-click advertising
Digital Assets for your business. Mini-strategy.

There are several ways how you can get clients to your business online:

  • The website with traffic that comes from Google ADS, Facebook ADS, from search engines
  • Social media profiles - Facebook, Instagram
  • Business Profile on Google
  • Email lists

Once we determine your business goals and define and understand your target audience, we suggest which assets will help you achieve your goals and reach your target audience.

Some businesses can quickly get clients with Business Profile only, while others need websites and several social media profiles.

Knowing ahead of what assets work for your product or service helps you get business fast and avoid unnecessary investments.

Request form will pop-up and we will contact you once we receive it.
Google ADS Budget consulation

Learn how much money you need to put into Google advertising to achieve your business goals.

Consultation includes:

  • Calculation of ads spent with industry benchmarks (if you don’t have any data yet)
  • Calculation of ads spent with your business data (website conversion rates, previous advertising campaigns audit)
  • Compelling offers for your niche that will drive more prospects.
  • Easy to optimize advertising for better performance

(If you decide to proceed with Google ADS service, payment for consultation will be credited to the service cost)

Request form will pop-up and we will contact you once we receive it.
Facebook ADS Budget consultation

Learn how much money you will need to put into Facebook advertising to achieve your business goals.

Consultation includes:

  • Calculation of ad spend, based on your business goals
  • Compelling advertising copy and visuals for your niche that will drive more prospects.
  • Easy to optimize advertising for better performance

(If you decide to proceed with Facebook ADS service, payment for consultation will be credited to the service cost)

Request form will pop-up and we will contact you once we receive it.
We will contact you back with consultation invoice (we accept Paypal and Zelle) and link to schedule a consultation.
Consultation Request