Google Maps Marketing

Business profiles on Google are a free and reliable way to attract local clients.
Start getting FREE local leads.
Business profiles appear in Google Search and Maps when people look for local services and stores using desktop and mobile devices.
Business profiles appear in Google Search and Maps when people look for local services and stores using desktop and mobile devices.
Fill out the form below, and we will reach out to you to schedule a 15-minutes online meeting.
We will use your information to contact you. Privacy Policy.
Discover how your business will benefit from our Google Maps Management Service
Boosted online visibility for relevant searches
Your business profile will consistently appear at the top of search results over a wider area. Our clients' trend reports show that within a couple of months, they were consistently ranking in the top 5 search results when people were searching for their services within a larger distance.
This trend report illustrates how the newly created business profile achieved a top-3 ranking in main searches within just 3 months.
This trend report demonstrates how a business profile with over 200 reviews was expanded to cover a larger area within 3 months.
Improved engagement with your business: more calls, messages, bookings, direction requests and website clicks
Search-optimized business profile setup can drive more meaningful engagements with your prospects, resulting in increased calls, web visits, bookings, and directions requests. Look at statistics below where our clients have experienced consistently increasing engagement over 2, 6, and 9 months.
This performance report highlights our achievement of doubling interactions with prospects within the first 2 months through business profile management.
This performance report illustrates the potential for interactions with newly created business profiles over a 4-month period.
This performance report highlighting the impressive number of interactions, that we achieved over 9-months management.
Increased lead generation
Better rankings bring more incoming calls, bookings, and website visits to your business. Take a look at the statistics below to see how many website visits and calls our clients receive monthly from their Google Business profile.
This performance report highlights how many websites clicks got established business from Google Maps.
This performance report displays the call volume generated by the business profile for a newly created business over the past 5 months.
This performance report shows the volume of incoming calls that business profile generated for established business over 6 past months.
Elevated online reputation
We assist business owners in developing a strategy to collect reviews, which helps boost their online reputation consistently and quickly. More reviews and a higher ranking lead to increased free inbound leads and business growth.
Business Profile Setup
— We will Claim & Verify profile for your business
— Complete description with search-optimized content
— Add all of your service description
— Add 10 products with descriptions
— Add 20 geotagged photos of your location or service or products
— Add 1 Special Offer
— Add 4 Updates
One Time Payment
3 Months Management
— Initial Business Profile Optimization
— 20 Geotagged photos & videos monthly
— 12 Search-optimized posts monthly
— 2 Special Offer posts monthly
— 8 products or service description monthly
— Respond to reviews
— 1 hour conference biweekly
— Monthly report
Per 3 months
Content Production
(for Florida-based businesses)
— 20 Photos at your location
— 4 Videos at your location, up to 90 sec long
— 4 Panoramic photos (360)
— 1 Drone video of your project or location
Per package
Local Service Ads Account Setup
— Advertising account verification for your business
— Account setup with best practices
— Linking Advertising account to Google Business Profile
— 30 minutes training on how to manage Advertising account
One Time Payment
Let's meet online and discuss how we can help your business grow
Fill out the form below, and we will reach out to you to schedule a 15-minutes online meeting.
We will use your information to contact you. Privacy Policy.
Why choose us?
  • Google Certified Managers
    Google-certified managers have comprehensive training and understanding of Google’s tools and best practices, ensuring your profile is optimized effectively.
  • Florida-based team with clients in different states.
    Having a locally based team is valuable because we understand what currently works with Google, what works in your specific state, and we can communicate at a convenient time.
  • Experienced in management business profiles on Google for home service, beauty, restaurants businesses.
    We have multiple clients from home service and beauty industry, and possess data-based insights into which content yields the best results for ranking and lead generation.