Get more free local clients
with Google My Business*

Free and steady source of clients for local businesses
*Goole My Business is an old name for Google Business profile
business profile interaction from business listing
direction requests from business listing on Google
website clicks from business listing on Google
Combined results for calls, texts, directions, and website clicks from Google Business profile for a children's development studio.
business listing for children development studio
business listing for a Facial spa
That much time people ask for directions on the Google Business profile of Massage and Facial SPA.
business listing for a med spa
free clicks get a Med SPA to their business website. They would spend at least $430 to get this amount of clicks from Google ADS.
Estimate how many additional clients you can get each month with Business Profile on Google.

Google My Business helps customers find and connect with you on Google Search and Maps

Shoppers often use Google to check product and business information online before going into the store.

To capture sales, businesses with physical locations need to provide customers with photos and videos of the place, product, and team, and social proof they are a reliable company.
Google Business Profile has general business information, like address, contacts, operation hours, and website.
Show general business information
People tend to research your local business online before visiting, and you can get more shoppers at your door by showing what you sell!
Show your product and service details
Collect reviews - the most powerful feature
More reviews - more business, this is a sign to a potential client, that your business is trustworthy and reliable.

100% business profiles of our clients appears on Google within a month

We designed a Business Profile optimization system, that rapidly increases business visibility for relevant searches.
Our client, "Face Affairs" - a brand new permanent makeup studio in Naples, FL reached the top of search results within a month with only a few reviews!

A year later, the studio appears on top of search results for multiple queries.
In the top 3 among competitors with more reviews.
Google search results for business listing for permanent eyeliner
Google search results for business listing for lip blushing near me
In the top 3 among 3+years in business competitors.
Google search results for business listing for powder brows
In the top for searches: permanent makeup, lip blushing, powder brows, etc.

You will get a tool to attract clients when they search for your services

Without an optimization strategy and regular profile updates, Business Profile on its own rarely reaches the top of search results.

Our clients get results like this:
for Massage SPA in Winter Heaven, FL within a month
+ 20 clients
85% of all clients
for Door Company in Miami, FL come from Business Profile without paid advertising
for after school program in Hollywood, FL after 6 months of managing their profile.

Service Details

Start with a complimentary consultation to learn how many clients you can get with Google My Business Profile. Profile Optimization plan will depend on your business's digital assets, how many competitors are in your niche, and the demand for your service.

Setup from scratch (for most new businesses) will be $680 for the first month and $480 monthly for Profile management.

For companies with claimed Business profiles, the price for the first month of Profile optimization is $480, and $480 monthly for Profile management.
Claim & Optimize GMB - $680
Get verified Business Profile, supercharged for faster ranking with correct descriptions for your company, products and services, attracting photos and reviews.
Profile 1-month management - $480
Skyrocket the local presence of your business! Monthly maintenance includes photo and video content production, reviews strategy, and Killer Ad copy that makes clients buy: use it for special offers on Listing, Website, Instagram!
Estimate how many additional clients you can get each month with Business Profile on Google.