
5 new projects for kitchen remodeling contractor

ℹ︎ About Business:
Kitchen remodeling contractor from Fort Myers, FL
Google ADS budget - $1500
Advertising period - February - March, 2023

This a very good example of 👷🏻 contractor's advertising. First, let’s discuss how people purchase renovation projects (yep, I know what Naples locals would say - by referrals). When it comes to major house updates, people don’t buy with the first phone call. The sale process from initial contact to contract may take months. Advertising goals for such types of businesses are website requests or on-site estimation appointments.

Currently, the company has 2-3 new renovation projects in a month, and ideally, they would like to double it. I was afraid that we won’t have enough demand in the area to get that many leads, so I also suggested website enhancements to get more conversions out of available clicks

Google provided us with an estimated conversion rate of 4.15% (only 4 clicks out of 100 will lead to a desired action such as free on-site estimation). Combining this data with the number of clicks that we can get within a client's budget of $1500 - we would get only 18 conversions per month.

The average conversion rate of local websites is less than 1%, so to get those conversions I suggested updating the website’s home page with new portfolio photos, and brief descriptions of projects including budget range.

Within a month we got 14 requests for free estimation, and 5 new projects. As I mentioned, the sales process from initial contact in some cases may take months so there are chances to get even more clients.
2023-04-10 21:06 Google ADS